Thursday, July 18, 2013

Yarn Art: Mason Jar Style

Alright, here is a craft that is super simple, quick, and so fun! I did this in less than ten minutes, and it adds a fun burst of color if that is what you want, or even neutral tones to match any room!
So, I know this one isn't anything professional, but it is a super fun idea and opens up a lot of doors for lots of different ideas and ways to do this project!

All you need is:
  • a jar or vase
  • yarn
  • hot or super glue
Start with a dot of glue on the beginning of your yarn, and start wrapping!

You will want to make it snug enough that it won't droop, but not too tight, otherwise it will start to come off.

Side note: It is difficult to wrap the yarn around the parts of the jar or vase that curve, just like it does at the top of this jar. You can either skip wrapping that part, or just use glue along the string as you wrap it.

That's it! Super quick, and adds lots of personality to a room!
Thanks for stopping by!


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